Events & Webinars Higher Education Insights Student 360 Student Retention Students at Risk

Demystifying AI in Higher Education

Demystifying AI in Higher Education – 3.26.24 @ 3:00 pm PT

Datatelligent is hosting an in-person learning exchange, Demystifying AI in Higher Education.  Please join us on March 26 from 3-5 pm at the Hampton Inn in Puyallup, WA, for an informative and fun learning exchange focusing on AI in Higher Education.

  • Walk away with practical knowledge and examples of how to get started with AI tools and solutions
  • Learn to utilize the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform for AI/ML, including predictive, generative, and large language models (LLM).

In addition to the insightful discussions, there will be ample opportunities for networking and engaging with fellow attendees who share a passion for leveraging Data and AI to revolutionize education.

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience to secure your spot at this exciting event. 

We look forward to welcoming you and exploring the exciting possibilities of AI in Higher Education together!

Event Details

Event Title: Demystifying AI in Higher Education.

Date / Time: March 26, 2024, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm PT

Location: Hampton Inn, Puyallup, WA


  • 2:30 – 3:00 : Arrival
  • 3:00 – 3:30 : Introductions
  • 3:30 – 4:30 : Demystify AI
    • Trends / Definitions / Fundamentals / Tools / Limitations
    • Practical Examples of AI Solutions
  • 4:30 – 5:00 : Roundtable discussion on AI in Higher Education
  • 5:00 – 6:00 : Happy Hour and Networking

We look forward to seeing you there!

Events & Webinars Higher Education Insights Student 360 Student Retention Students at Risk

Optimizing the Student Lifecycle: Datatelligent Platform for Higher Education

Optimizing the Student Lifecycle: Datatelligent Platform for Higher Education – 2.14.24 @ 2:00 pm CT

Managing the student lifecycle is a multifaceted endeavor, demanding both time and attention.  From enrollment to retention and eventual success, educational institutions must navigate numerous factors, each critical for student advancement.

Enter the Datatelligent Platform for Higher Education – a comprehensive solution tailored to address the intricacies of student performance, faculty efficiency, and staff effectiveness.

In the upcoming installment of our series, we delve deeper into the challenges confronting higher education institutions today and illuminate strategies to surmount these obstacles effectively.  Discover firsthand how Cowley College successfully tackled enrollment issues, offering invaluable insights and actionable tactics.

Attendees of this webinar will learn about the following:

  1. Current trends for Student Retention and Success
  2. How Cowley College is using data to improve Student Retention
  3. Making data-driven decisions with the Datatelligent Platform for Higher Education

The presenters for the webinar will be:

  • Steve Wightkin – Chief Customer Officer at Datatelligent
  • Stefani Jones – Director of Student Enrollment and Success at Cowley College
You can watch the recording here if you missed the first installment of the series.

Webinar Title: Optimizing the Student Lifecycle: Datatelligent Platform for Higher Education
Date: February 14, 2024
Time: 2:00 pm Central
Location: Online Webinar (Zoom)
We look forward to seeing you there!
Blog Higher Education Student 360 Student Retention

The Intersection of DEI, Data & Student Enrollment

The Intersection of DEI, Data & Student Enrollment

All data are not created equal. To be actionable, and to have a chance of influencing behavior, information needs to be legible to the intended audience. 

Many higher institutions have all the right diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) data points at their fingertips, but what they lack is the clarity behind what the data means and the decisions they need to make based on the data. Student information sitting passively in a myriad of databases is a far cry from actionable DEI insights.

Equity can’t be explained away by rhetoric—it’s about the numbers. Whether or not you believe equity is framed and defined by ownership or diversity, it is definitely quantifiable. Therefore, it’s essential to present diversity data in an easy-to-understand, customizable scorecard or dashboard that is relevant to its intended users. The data presentation should allow for easy comparisons between units and across time periods.

Enter Datatelligent. We understand that finding and enrolling the right students is more challenging than ever, which makes each stage of the enrollment journey even more critical. 


Datatelligent is participating in several upcoming sessions about the intersection of DEI and data, including:

The sessions will review strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of your DEI data across student recruitment and enrollment initiatives. They will also feature a demo of Datatelligent’s DEI Student Outreach Solution Engine that gives higher education leaders a 360⁰ view of the student data, including:

  • Insights into DEI-related recruitment opportunities for high school students
  • Interactive map of counties highlighted by special population indicators and current college attendees
  • Key demographic data (poverty levels, single female households, disability, unemployment rates, etc.)
  • High schools per county displayed with student body demographic details

In order to advance DEI, you must drive progress through your data. Insight into your student data—from its racial and cultural makeup to geographical recruitment reach—is key to understanding your students’ experiences and the change that needs to happen. 

Contact Datatelligent today to start fully tapping your DEI data.

Blog Higher Education Student 360 Student Retention Students at Risk

Can Community Colleges Survive the Pandemic?

There is no shortage of adjectives to describe 2020 and 2021: catastrophic, heart-wrenching, impossible, irritating, devastating. Whether we are applying it to our own personal experiences or to the broader world around us, no one can dispute that the COVID pandemic has created an environment of change and disruption.

This has been felt profoundly throughout our educational system. Schools have had to reinvent how they operate, and nowhere has this been more disruptive than in the community colleges space. While COVID has created headaches and difficulties throughout the higher education landscape, community colleges have experienced the brunt of the COVID-related fallout.


Colleges and universities had already been experiencing issues related to the cost of higher education and the student loan crisis. Schools have seen costs explode while revenues decline. In addition to the significant investments schools have made to transition to online learning environments — from training, course development, and technology improvements — they have also had to invest in infrastructure improvements to address other COVID-related issues (more space for in-person education, air filtration systems, etc.).

All this is occurring while many current and prospective students are questioning the value of higher education. Many have opted to delay a return to school until after the pandemic. Some question the cost relative to their online learning experiences. Schools have lost additional revenue as many students have not returned to on-campus living, sporting and other events have been canceled, state and federal funding may not be available, and alumni have not contributed as generously as in the past.

This list does not even touch on the additional COVID fallout — anxiety, vaccine availability, variants, etc.

So why has this hit the community college sector harder?

Unlike other economic downturns where community colleges have seen their enrollment numbers climb, the COVID pandemic has produced the opposite result. Community colleges have seen enrollment and retention numbers take a significant hit compared to other higher education institutions, especially for first-year students, where they see a nearly 20% drop.

Students at community colleges have also reported greater barriers to enroll and stay in school:

  • Job uncertainty — Many students rely on income from full- or part-time jobs that either disappeared or were severely hampered during the pandemic.
  • Family demands — This was especially difficult during the stay-at-home order when students found it disruptive to take online classes while also balancing family/childcare responsibilities.
  • Technology hurdles — Many students reported limited or no access to the technology required to complete online learning. Reliable broadband technology, as well as access to a computer or tablet, was a significant barrier to the new normal.
  • Limited emotional connection — Community colleges have historically had a more difficult time creating a sense of camaraderie and engagement compared to other colleges and universities. The transition to online learning has only exacerbated this sense of disconnect.
Will they be able to recover? Yes.

The answer is data. Community colleges are sitting on a patchwork of information that can be harnessed to help them answer key questions and pivot to meet challenges more effectively. Whether it be diving into enrollment metrics to help them improve existing programs or identify new opportunities; working with faculty and students to proactively seek out students that are struggling and develop programs to improve retention; or better forecasting for budget needs, especially when revenue targets and funding sources are shifting — this can all be addressed

by collecting and mining the data within these colleges.

And that is what we at Datatelligent can help with. We have partnered with colleges and universities throughout the country to develop data solutions to help them use their data to navigate these difficult times.

To learn more about our work with community colleges, visit:

by Steve Wightkin, Chief Operating Officer, Datatelligent

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