What is Data Analytics as a Service & How is it Different?

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What is Data Analytics as a Service & How is it Different?

Datatelligent enables the use of data to make our communities better.

Our subscription-based approach to data analytics, Data Analytics as a Service (DAaaS), is different and can be a game-changer for organizations since it can help remove barriers for your organizations to make better, more informed decisions.

In a nutshell, DAaaS is a service that provides businesses with specialized tools and expertise to help process and analyze data. Instead of investing in costly infrastructure and hiring dedicated data analysts, companies can partner with Datatelligent for their analytic needs. This can include everything from data management and predictive modeling and visualization.

For our clients, Datatelligent provides the following three DAaaS subscriptions:

  • Solutions Subscription: Analytic Solutions for your entire organization & data solutions to bring together all your sources, including:
    • Analytic Solution Engines
    • Data Solution Engines
    • Unified data platform
    • Data maturity roadmap
  • Data Operations Subscription: Data analytics operations managed all in one place, including:
    • Data capacity services
    • Project flex-up services
  • Data Literacy Subscription: Education and enablement as well as solution adoption to ensure successful knowledge transfer

Our Solutions, Data Operations, and Data Literacy subscriptions are powered by Tableau, Snowflake, Power BI, Cloud Infrastructure, Stitch, FiveTran, and many others.

Contact Datatelligent to learn more about Data Analytics as a Service.

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